Cart (1.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
API to manage carts
Get items
query Parameters
required | object (Pageable) |
predicate required | object |
target | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "items": [
- {
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- "billingPlanPeriod": "string",
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- "retainBuyer": true
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- "taxExemptionEligible": false,
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- "type": "RESELLER",
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- "discountedGrossPriceWithoutVoucher": 85.32,
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- "discountedNetPriceWithoutVoucher": 79.2,
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- "string"
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- "discountedPrice": {
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- {
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- "discountedNetPriceWithoutVoucher": 79.2,
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- "discountedNetPriceWithoutVoucher": 79.2,
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- "status": null
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- "vatAmountMsrp": 1.8,
- "vatIncluded": true,
- "vatRate": 0.19
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- {
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- "min": 1,
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- "discountedNetPriceWithoutVoucher": 79.2,
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- "vatDiscountAmount": 2.04,
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- {
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- "id": null,
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- "status": null
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- "vatRate": 0.19
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- { }
], - "subscriptionProduct": true,
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- "discountedNetPriceWithoutVoucher": 79.2,
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- "netPriceDiscountAmount": 14.22,
- "vatDiscountAmount": 2.04,
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- {
- "amount": null,
- "code": null,
- "discountExternalContext": null,
- "id": null,
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- "status": null
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- "property2": { }
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- "value": { }
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], - "renewalSource": true,
- "salesFlags": [
- "string"
], - "scenario": "acquisition",
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- "sentEmails": [
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- "error": "error message",
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- "amount": 0.1,
- "rate": 0.1,
- "taxName": "string"
], - "totalAmount": 0.1,
- "updateDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "useCurrencyConversion": true,
- "useStrikeThroughPrice": true,
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- "vatNumber": "string",
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- "id": "9a08c138-510c-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002",
- "localizedLabel": "my localized voucher label",
- "status": "APPLIED"
], - "vouchersTotalAmount": 0.1,
- "wantedProducts": [
- {
- "crossSellBy": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
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- "discountStep": 0,
- "ignorePurchaseDiscount": true,
- "tag": "string"
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- "discountPlanStep": 0,
- "discountPlanTag": "string",
- "durationUntilTrialEnd": 7,
- "forcedBy": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
- "id": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
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- "previousLineItemId": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
- "priceFunctionParameters": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "quantity": 2,
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- "remotePrice": true,
- "subscriptionTemplate": "string",
- "trial": false,
- "upSellBy": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25"
], - "warnings": [
- {
- "code": "NOT_VALID",
- "field": "string",
- "message": "string",
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- "size": 0,
- "totalItems": 0,
- "totalPages": 0
Create an item
Create a cart with PrivateCartInput content in the request body
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Subscription Id | string |
billingPlanId | string |
billingPlanPeriod | string |
blockDiscounts | boolean Block discounts on this cart |
object (BuyerBehavior) Buyer behavior | |
catalogId | string Catalog ID |
checkoutUrl | string Full URL of cart |
object (ConsentFlags) Consent flags | |
country required | string Country of cart |
discounts | Array of strings List of signed discounts |
object (EndUserPut) End-user who owns this cart | |
enduserId | string |
externalContext | string External context |
object (Flags) Set of customer specific flags | |
forcedCurrency | string Currency forced by end user |
hideCrossSell | boolean Default: false Define if we display cross sell recommendation |
hideUpSell | boolean Default: false Define if we display upsell recommendation |
initialOrderId | string Deprecated |
ip | string Cart IP |
keepNonRecurringPaymentMethods | boolean All payment methods are needed for the subscription shopping cart |
locale required | string Locale of cart |
mandateValue | number <double> subscription mandate value. |
marketingCampaignNames | Array of strings List of marketing campaign name |
onPaymentClickRedirectUrl | string redirection url once payment page is closed |
partialPaymentAmount | number <double> |
paymentExternalContext | string |
paymentMethod | string payment method used by the end-user |
productRecoId | string Product recommendation id |
object | |
Array of objects (Remitted) List of remitteds | |
salesFlags | Array of strings List of sales flags |
scenario | string To be able to display different elements in the order workflow |
storeHostname | string Hostname of store |
storeId required | string Reference ID of the store service |
subscriptionGeneration | integer <int32> subscription generation to use to get the public product. |
subscriptionSubSource | string Enum: "TRIAL_CONVERSION" "RENEWAL" Purchase's sub source |
useStrikeThroughPrice | boolean use strike through price |
userAgent | string User-Agent |
required | Array of objects (ProductInput) unique list of products or signed product in the cart with its quantity and price function parameters |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "Subscription Id": "string",
- "billingPlanId": "string",
- "billingPlanPeriod": "string",
- "blockDiscounts": true,
- "buyerBehavior": {
- "abandonedCart": true,
- "renewal": true,
- "retainBuyer": true
}, - "catalogId": "21c6e727-3df5-45c1-9872-66c6af3c5e61",
- "consentFlags": {
- "newsletterOptin": true
}, - "country": "FR",
- "discounts": [
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Create checkout
Create cart with products which are not in the actual catalog, will create new catalog and set the id of these products with created catalog as prefix
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object (PrivateCartInput) |
required | object (FullCatalog) |
Request samples
- Payload
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Response samples
- 200
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 500
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Create a mid term upgrade
Create a Cart with a mid term upgrade for a subscription
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Get recap quantities for a given field
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Create a Subscription Offer
Create a Cart with a discounted offer for a subscription
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
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Request samples
- Payload
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Search unwind for a given field
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- 404
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Update products in cart
Update products for the given cart id
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
query Parameters
productRecommendationId | string Product recommendation rule id |
version | integer <int64> version |
dryRun | boolean Determine if the operation will take effect in the database, if dryRun is true, cart will not be updated |
reason | string reason of request |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
crossSellBy | string Product to cross-sell by another product |
currentExpirationDate | string Current expiration date |
object (DiscountPlan) Optional discount plan on a product | |
discountPlanIgnorePurchaseDiscount | boolean |
discountPlanStep | integer <int32> |
discountPlanTag | string |
durationUntilTrialEnd | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 3 ] Number of days before the end of trial reminder |
forcedBy | string Product to force by another product |
id required | string Product ID |
licenseId | string License id |
marketingCampaignId | string marketing campaign id use on the product |
nextExpirationDate | string Next expiration date |
parentId | string Product parent ID |
previousLineItemId | string Previous line item ID |
object Product parameters | |
quantity | integer <int32> Product quantity |
quantityMaxReached | boolean Indicator if a product quantity can not be increased (uses for the gift products in the marketing campaigns) |
remotePrice | boolean |
subscriptionTemplate | string |
trial | boolean Indicator if it is a product trial |
upSellBy | string Product to upsell by another product |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "crossSellBy": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
- "currentExpirationDate": "1712906328000",
- "discountPlan": {
- "discountStep": 0,
- "ignorePurchaseDiscount": true,
- "tag": "string"
}, - "discountPlanIgnorePurchaseDiscount": true,
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- "discountPlanTag": "string",
- "durationUntilTrialEnd": 7,
- "forcedBy": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
- "id": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
- "licenseId": "b7df28f3-99cb-4ffe-b74e-972dca528f5a",
- "marketingCampaignId": "string",
- "nextExpirationDate": "1712906328000",
- "parentId": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25",
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- "quantityMaxReached": false,
- "remotePrice": true,
- "subscriptionTemplate": "string",
- "trial": false,
- "upSellBy": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
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- "billingPlanId": "string",
- "billingPlanPeriod": "string",
- "blockDiscounts": true,
- "buyerBehavior": {
- "abandonedCart": true,
- "renewal": true,
- "retainBuyer": true
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Create a cart
Create a cart with CartInput content in the request body
query Parameters
dryRun | boolean Determine if the operation will take effect in the database, if dryRun is true, cart will not be created |
reason | string reason of request |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Subscription Id | string |
blockDiscounts | boolean Block discounts on this cart |
object (BuyerBehavior) Buyer behavior | |
catalogId | string Catalog ID |
checkoutUrl | string Full URL of cart |
object (ConsentFlags) Consent flags | |
country required | string Country of cart |
discounts | Array of strings List of signed discounts |
object (EndUserPut) End-user who owns this cart | |
externalContext | string External context |
object (Flags) Set of customer specific flags | |
forcedCurrency | string Currency forced by end user |
hideCrossSell | boolean Default: false Define if we display cross sell recommendation |
hideUpSell | boolean Default: false Define if we display upsell recommendation |
initialOrderId | string Deprecated |
ip | string Cart IP |
keepNonRecurringPaymentMethods | boolean All payment methods are needed for the subscription shopping cart |
locale required | string Locale of cart |
marketingCampaignNames | Array of strings List of marketing campaign name |
onPaymentClickRedirectUrl | string redirection url once payment page is closed |
partialPaymentAmount | number <double> |
paymentExternalContext | string |
paymentMethod | string Selected payment method |
productRecoId | string Product recommendation id |
object | |
Array of objects (Remitted) List of remitteds | |
salesFlags | Array of strings List of sales flags |
scenario | string To be able to display different elements in the order workflow |
storeHostname | string Hostname of store |
storeId required | string Reference ID of the store service |
subscriptionSubSource | string Enum: "TRIAL_CONVERSION" "RENEWAL" Purchase's sub source |
useStrikeThroughPrice | boolean use strike through price |
userAgent | string User-Agent |
required | Array of objects (ProductInput) unique list of products or signed product in the cart with its quantity and price function parameters |
Request samples
- Payload
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- "blockDiscounts": true,
- "buyerBehavior": {
- "abandonedCart": true,
- "renewal": true,
- "retainBuyer": true
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create a product upgrade cart
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Get the next generations of product Deprecated
Get the next generations of product with cart context
path Parameters
cartId required | string |
productId required | string |
query Parameters
numberOfNextGeneration | integer <int32> Default: 3 |
allPricesAtStartDate | boolean Default: true |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
[- {
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- "discountedNetPriceWithoutVoucher": 79.2,
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- "status": "APPLIED"
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Get the additional expected fields for a country
Get the additional expected fields with a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
path Parameters
country required | string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 408
- 500
- 503
{- "additionalFieldAttributes": [
- {
- "availableValues": [
- { }
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- "level": "WARNING",
- "mandatoryFor": "B2B",
- "name": "string",
- "role": "TAX_EXEMPTION",
- "type": "B2B",
- "validators": [
- {
- "regex": "string",
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- "string"
Get a cart by ID
Get a cart by ID, can customize response whether we want the full fields of response data or not with 'format' parameter
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
query Parameters
format | string Example: format=full, short According the format, the data returned will be filtered, full means all available data are returned. |
piiDataSecureToken | string If secure token feature was activated for customer, this parameter should have token created when cart was created. Otherwise, end user information will not be present in response |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
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- "discountId": "85a2cfd6-510c-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002",
- "discountLabel": "Label example",
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- "discountedGrossPrice": 28.44,
- "discountedGrossPriceWithoutVoucher": 85.32,
- "discountedNetPrice": 26.4,
- "discountedNetPriceWithoutVoucher": 79.2,
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- "localizedLabel": "my localized voucher label",
- "status": "APPLIED"
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- "wantedProducts": [
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], - "warnings": [
- {
- "code": "NOT_VALID",
- "field": "string",
- "message": "string",
Update a cart
Update a given cart with CartPut information in the request body
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
query Parameters
version | integer <int64> version |
dryRun | boolean Determine if the operation will take effect in the database, if dryRun is true, cart will not be updated |
format | string Example: format=full, short According the format, the data returned will be filtered, full means all available data are returned. |
reason | string reason of request |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
object (BuyerBehavior) Buyer behavior | |
checkoutUrl | string Full URL of cart |
object (ConsentFlags) Consent flags | |
country required | string Country of cart |
discounts | Array of strings List of signed discounts |
object (EndUserPut) End-user who owns this cart | |
externalContext | string External context |
forcedCurrency | string Currency forced by end user |
hideCrossSell | boolean Default: false Define if we display cross sell recommendation |
hideUpSell | boolean Default: false Define if we display upsell recommendation |
ip | string Cart IP |
keepNonRecurringPaymentMethods | boolean All payment methods are needed for the subscription shopping cart |
locale required | string Locale of cart |
marketingCampaignNames | Array of strings List of marketing campaign name |
paymentMethod | string Selected payment method |
productRecoId | string Product recommendation id |
object | |
salesFlags | Array of strings List of sales flags |
scenario | string To be able to display different elements in the order workflow |
storeHostname | string Hostname of store |
useStrikeThroughPrice | boolean use strike through price |
userAgent | string User-Agent |
required | Array of objects (ProductInput) unique list of products or signed product in the cart with its quantity and price function parameters |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "buyerBehavior": {
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- "renewal": true,
- "retainBuyer": true
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- "discounts": [
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- "company": {
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- "cnpj": "00.000.000 / 0001-00",
- "companyName": "My company name",
- "fullRegistrationNumber": "362 521 879 00034",
- "registrationNumber": "362 521 879",
- "validVatNumber": true,
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- "validVatNumber": true,
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- "hideCrossSell": false,
- "hideUpSell": false,
- "ip": "",
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Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
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Get product custom fields for a cart by ID
Get product custom fields fora cart by ID, to store it in order.
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
[- {
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- "productId": "string"
Get the additional expected fields for a country Deprecated
Get the additional expected fields by the end user country in the given cart id
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
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Update the payment method
Update the payment method and calculate subsidiary of cart with the updated payment method
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
paymentMethod required | string Example: credit_card Payment method name |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
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Send cart by mail
Send cart to the mail of end user in the given cart id
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
Response samples
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "details": [
- {
- "errorType": "string",
- "resourceDisplayName": "string",
- "resourceId": "string",
- "resourceType": "string",
- "specific": { }
], - "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "timestamp": 0
Update products in cart
Update products for the given cart id
path Parameters
id required | string Cart id |
query Parameters
productRecommendationId | string Product recommendation rule id |
version | integer <int64> version |
dryRun | boolean Determine if the operation will take effect in the database, if dryRun is true, product in the cart will not be updated |
format | string Example: format=full, short According the format, the data returned will be filtered, full means all available data are returned. |
reason | string reason of request |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
crossSellBy | string Product to cross-sell by another product |
currentExpirationDate | string Current expiration date |
object (DiscountPlan) Optional discount plan on a product | |
discountPlanIgnorePurchaseDiscount | boolean |
discountPlanStep | integer <int32> |
discountPlanTag | string |
durationUntilTrialEnd | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 3 ] Number of days before the end of trial reminder |
forcedBy | string Product to force by another product |
id required | string Product ID |
licenseId | string License id |
marketingCampaignId | string marketing campaign id use on the product |
nextExpirationDate | string Next expiration date |
parentId | string Product parent ID |
previousLineItemId | string Previous line item ID |
object Product parameters | |
quantity | integer <int32> Product quantity |
quantityMaxReached | boolean Indicator if a product quantity can not be increased (uses for the gift products in the marketing campaigns) |
remotePrice | boolean |
subscriptionTemplate | string |
trial | boolean Indicator if it is a product trial |
upSellBy | string Product to upsell by another product |
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
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- "currentExpirationDate": "1712906328000",
- "discountPlan": {
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- "trial": false,
- "upSellBy": "2a196c8f-089d-4196-a8f9-16ad61e70b25"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
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