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Product API guide


This API allows you to manage your digital products. Products are defined with essential attributes, pricing, and localized content, ensuring they can be displayed properly in a shopping cart.

While the API includes many attributes, this guide focuses on the minimal setup required to create a product and ensure it appears in the cart UI. Advanced features can be configured later as needed.

Minimal Setup to Create a Product


Before creating a product, ensure you have the following identifiers, which are typically provided during your customer account onboarding process:

  1. Customer ID: The unique identifier of your customer account.
  2. Catalog ID: The catalog where the product will be listed.
  3. Selling Store ID(s): The stores where the product will be sold.

Steps to Create a Product

  1. Create the product with basic attributes.
  2. When the product is created:
  3. Add a localized description using the descriptionId from the product payload.
  4. Set up a price using a separate pricing API.
  5. Set up Fulfillment: to issue activation codes or order confirmation. Learn more here.

Minimal Payload for Product Creation

To create a product, use the following endpoint and payload:

POST /products


"customerId": "...your-customer-uuid...",
"catalogId": "",
"sellingStores": ["...your-store-id..."],
"status": "ENABLED",
"genericName": "Magic supplement",
"lifeTime": "PERMANENT",
"productFamily": "My Game Family",
"publisherRefId": "ACME-INTERNAL-PID",
"type": "GAMES",
"businessSegment": "STRICT_B2C",
"resources": [
"url": "",
"index": 0,
"label": "product_boxshot"
"externalContext": ""

Response A successful request returns a Location header containing the product ID: /products/...product_uuid...

Adding Localized Descriptions

Once the product is created, the response will include a descriptionId. Use this ID to add localized descriptions for the product:

PUT products/descriptions/{descriptionId}

Payload Example

"id": "b9ae89f8-fada-4097-b8f1-168def77fddc",
"customerId": "d87b8ec3-867f-4bad-b49c-fedad64afa43",
"description": "description of product Internal product name",
"catalogId": "25c4aa71-97fe-40a7-b863-44cd04be0639",
"fallbackLocale": "en-US",
"marketingName": "Magic shield",
"localizedMarketingName": {
"en-US": "Magic shield"
"localizedShortDesc": {},
"localizedLongDesc": {},
"localizedThankYouDesc": {},
"localizedPurchaseEmailDesc": {},
"localizedManualRenewalEmailDesc": {}

Setting Up the Price

Prices must be configured separately using the Pricing API. Ensure that a valid price is associated with the product for it to display properly in the cart UI.

Setting up fulfilment

Once you setup your fulfilment template (if any, Learn more here). you can send a PUT request /products/{productId}

"id": "{productId}",
// ... all other attributes returned by GET /products/{productId} ...
"fulfillmentTemplate": "{fulfilmentId}"

Product attributes

Below is an in-depth look at the attributes available for product creation.

Core Linking Attributes

1. Customer ID

  • Key: customerId
  • Type: UUID
  • Required: Yes
    The unique identifier for the customer. This is provided during onboarding and ensures the product is associated with the correct account.

2. Catalog ID

  • Key: catalogId
  • Type: UUID
  • Required: Yes
    Specifies the catalog in which the product will be listed.

3. Selling Store IDs

  • Key: sellingStores
  • Type: Array of UUIDs
  • Required: Yes
    A list of store IDs where the product will be available for sale.

Product Lifecycle Attributes

4. Status

  • Key: status
  • Type: Enum
    • ENABLED: Active and available for purchase.
    • DISABLED: Inactive and hidden from customers.
  • Required: No

5. Lifetime

  • Key: lifeTime
  • Type: Enum
    • PERMANENT: No expiration.
    • 12DAY: Product license or subscription term is active for 12 days. You can put any number of days like 7 or 15. This is for subscription products.
    • 1MONTH: Same as days, but for monthly subscriptions.
    • 1YEAR: For yearly licenses or subscriptions.
  • Required: Yes

Categorization Attributes

6. Product Family

  • Key: productFamily
  • Type: String
  • Required: No
    Defines a grouping or category for internal management (e.g., "ACME Product Family").

7. Type

  • Key: type
  • Required: Yes
    Indicates the type of product for compliance and taxation.

8. Business Segment

  • Key: businessSegment
  • Type: Enum
    • B2C: Business-to-Consumer.
    • B2B: Business-to-Business.
    • STRICT_B2C: Will not allow companies to purchase.
    • STRICT_B2B: Only companies are allowed to purchase.
  • Required: No

Visual Representation and Descriptive Attributes

9. Generic Name

  • Key: genericName
  • Type: String
  • Required: Yes
    An internal product name for administrative purposes. It is not visible to end users.

10. Localized Descriptions

  • Key: descriptionId
  • Type: UUID
    A unique identifier for managing localized descriptions. Use this to define product names, marketing text, and other content in multiple languages.

11. Resources

  • Key: resources
  • Type: Array of objects
    • url: The URL of the resource (e.g., image or video).
    • index: Display order.
    • label: Descriptive tag for the resource.
  • Required: No
    Defines assets like box image product_boxshot or other images used in the custommized descriptions.

External Attributes

15. Publisher Reference ID

  • Key: publisherRefId
  • Type: String
  • Required: Yes
    An identifier (SKU) for linking the product to the customer's systems.

16. External Context

  • Key: externalContext
  • Type: String
  • Required: No
    A field for additional external metadata, if applicable. Could be used during fulfilment.

Product Localized Description Attributes

1. Localized Marketing Name

  • Key: localizedMarketingName
  • Type: Object
    • Keys: Locale codes (e.g., en-US, fr-FR).
    • Values: Localized product names.
  • Required: No
    This field allows customization of product names in different languages.

2. Localized Short Descriptions

  • Key: localizedShortDesc
  • Type: Array of objects (same as above)
  • Required: No
    Defines text below the marketing name which will be shown in the shopping cart depending on the cart layout.

3. Localized Long Descriptions

  • Key: localizedLongDesc
  • Type: Array of objects (same as above)
  • Required: No
    Defines long product descriptions which will be used in the shopping cart depending on the cart layout.

4. Localized Thank You Descriptions

  • Key: localizedThankYouDesc
  • Type: Array of objects (same as above)
  • Required: No
    Customizes text on the Thank You Page.

5. Localized Email Confirmation Descriptions

  • Key: localizedPurchaseEmailDesc
  • Type: Array of objects (same as above)
  • Required: No
    Customizes text in the Order confirmation email.