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Subscription management

The subscription scenarios outlined below are designed to enhance the user experience, boost shopper retention, and provide greater flexibility in managing subscription options.

Stay Subscribed Offer

The Stay Subscribed Offer flow enables you to offer a discount on the upcoming subscription renewal to shoppers who wish to cancel their subscription's auto-renewal. This offer cannot be applied to subscriptions already in the renewal billing period or those in the trial period. When shopper accepts the offer, the discount is applied to their subscription renewal price, which will be charged during the auto-renewal process. Shopper do not need to pay immediately when they accept the offer.

To use this feature, a discount with source = OFFER and offerSubSource = SUSPEND must first be configured in Nexway. Please note that the discount for Stay Subscribed flow can only be defined as a percentage value, not as an absolute amount.

Integration options

Nexway provides two integration options to suit your business needs:

Option 1: Using the Nexway-hosted End-User portal

This is the simplest integration method. Nexway’s portal presents the Stay Subscribed offer directly to shoppers. Your platform does not need to be involved in the offer process. When shopper logs into their account on the Nexway End-User portal and attempts to cancel auto-renewal, they will see the offer. If they accept it, the discount is applied to their upcoming subscription renewal, and an order is created in the Nexway system. At the time of auto-renewal, the created order will be processed with the applied discount.

Option 2: Integrating Nexway API

This option allows full control through your platform’s user interface.

Part 1. Create a Stay Subscribed Offer

When a shopper selects the option to cancel auto-renewal, your platform sends a request to the Nexway API to create the Stay Subscribed offer. This request includes the Nexway subscription identifier and, optionally, the discount if you wish to explicitly specify the discount.

API Request Example

POST /carts/subscription-offers
"subscriptionId": "18fc54b1-d07e-4d65-9f1f-d1ae6621a813",
"discountCode": "StaySubscribeddiscount" //optional

The API searches for the Stay Subscribed discount and applies it to the subscription renewal price. A 201 Created response returns a cart object with source = OFFER and offerSubSource = SUSPEND. Response contains the offer details, including the discounted price, which you may use to display the offer on your user interface.

API Response Example

"cartId": "86695c69-4d49-4208-8444-1e482a4d0150",
"subscriptionId": "18fc54b1-d07e-4d65-9f1f-d1ae6621a813",
"customerId": "27213244-fa24-4728-ae03-a42376aadd42",
"storeId": "59409482-9719-4d76-97ad-c679acc7d14a",
"source": "OFFER",
"offerSubSource": "SUSPEND",
"totalAmount": 180.0,
"product": {
"id": "e1978002-ffa4-4c50-9635-e20239b3a27d",
"name": "Test Product",
"publisherRefId": "111047E9753",
"lifeTime": "1MONTH",
"price": {
"currency": "AUD",
"netPrice": 181.82,
"grossPrice": 200.0,
"vatIncluded": true,
"vatRate": 0.1,
"vatAmount": 18.18,
"discountedPrice": {
"discountId": "0605770c-538a-49bf-997a-b08d4ed88a23",
"discountedNetPrice": 163.64,
"discountedGrossPrice": 180.0,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 18.18,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 20.0,
"vatDiscountAmount": 16.36,
"discountRate": 0.1,
"allDiscountsApplied": [
"grossPrice": 200.0,
"netPrice": 181.82,
"discountedGrossPrice": 180.0,
"discountedNetPrice": 163.64,
"discountRate": 0.1,
"vatDiscountAmount": 16.36,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 18.18,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 20.0,
"discountId": "0605770c-538a-49bf-997a-b08d4ed88a23",
"model": "COUPON",
"discountCode": "StaySubscribeddiscount"
"warnings": []

Part 2. Create an Order When the shopper accepts the Stay Subscribed offer, your platform must create an order by making the following request providing Nexway subscription identifier and cart identifier from the response of the previous call.

API Request Example

POST /purchases/prepareNextOrderFromOffer
"cartId": "86695c69-4d49-4208-8444-1e482a4d0150",
"subscriptionId": "18fc54b1-d07e-4d65-9f1f-d1ae6621a813"

The API converts the cart to order which will be used during auto-renewal. A 201 Created response confirms the order with source = OFFER and offerSubSource = SUSPEND is created. You can display a confirmation page to the shopper after receiving this response.

API Response Example

"id": "40M63XUA7GU",
"createDate": 1733917173779,
"lineItems": [
"id": "8e497d23-fe7e-4816-a3a5-9fa24d4d640b",
"productId": "e1978002-ffa4-4c50-9635-e20239b3a27d",
"lifeTime": "1MONTH",
"licenseNextExpirationDate": 1768123641000,
"trial": false,
"trialDuration": 0,
"name": "Test Product",
"subscriptionTemplate": "NEXWAY_1M",
"publisherRefId": "111047E9753",
"productType": "SOFTWARE",
"expirationDate": 1768123641000,
"amount": 180.0,
"currency": "AUD",
"vatRate": 0.1,
"netAmount": 163.64,
"vatAmount": 16.36,
"discountRate": 0.1,
"initialAmount": 200.0,
"initialNetAmount": 181.82,
"initialVatAmount": 18.18,
"price": {
"vatAmount": 18.18,
"netPrice": 181.82,
"grossPrice": 200.0,
"vatRate": 0.1,
"currency": "AUD",
"discountedPrice": {
"discountedNetPrice": 163.64,
"discountedGrossPrice": 180.0,
"discountRate": 0.1,
"cumulatedDiscountRate": 0.1,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 18.18,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 20.0,
"vatDiscountAmount": 16.36,
"discountId": "0605770c-538a-49bf-997a-b08d4ed88a23",
"discountCode": "StaySubscribeddiscount",
"allDiscountsApplied": [
"grossPrice": 200.0,
"netPrice": 181.82,
"discountedGrossPrice": 180.0,
"discountedNetPrice": 163.64,
"discountRate": 0.1,
"vatDiscountAmount": 16.36,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 18.18,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 20.0,
"discountId": "0605770c-538a-49bf-997a-b08d4ed88a23",
"model": "COUPON"
"vatIncluded": true,
"source": "INTERNAL"
"renewingPrice": {
"vatAmount": 18.18,
"netPrice": 181.82,
"grossPrice": 200.0,
"vatRate": 0.1,
"currency": "AUD",
"vatIncluded": true,
"source": "INTERNAL"
"taxExempt": false

To monitor accepted offers, subscribe to Order Notifications with the event type = created and source = offer. This event notifies you when an order is created after a shopper accepts the offer. Shopper may also choose to decline the offer and cancel auto-renewal, the discount will not be applied than.

If shoppers cancel auto-renewal after accepting the offer, the discount will be removed from the renewal price. To track these changes, subscribe to Offer Notifications with the event type = aborted. This ensures the system removes the discount order if the shopper changes their decision.

Mid-Term Upgrade

The Mid-Term Upgrade flow enables shoppers to enhance their subscription by upgrading to a higher-tier plan or extending the number of devices. This feature applies only to subscriptions in their mid-cycle, before the Prebilling reminder has been sent. It also applies to subscriptions with auto-renewal disabled, in which case the Mid-Term upgrade will re-enable auto-renewal alongside the upgrade.

Nexway offers a one-click payment solution, enabling shoppers to use their existing payment method without needing to re-enter their details. Alternatively, they can provide a new payment method, which will be used for the upgrade and subsequent renewals of the upgraded subscription. Shoppers are charged a prorated amount, ensuring they pay only for the upgraded service for the remaining duration of the current billing cycle.

The upgrade takes effect immediately, updating the product while keeping the subscription term length unchanged.

Part 1: Create a Mid-Term Upgrade Cart

After shopper accepts for mid-term upgrade of their subscription, send a request to the Nexway API to create a shopping cart. Include the subscription identifier and details of the product the subscription is being upgraded to. The new product price must exceed the current subscription price.

API Request Example

POST /carts/mid-term-upgrade
"subscriptionId": "46d9841b-6e60-4479-9699-511c6d0f6ca2",
"wantedProduct" : {
"id": "8c7115e2-6fa2-454e-be09-50dd20ecacc4"

The 201 Created response includes product details and prorated price in cart.price.discountedPrice.

API Response Example

"id": "0eb27503-674b-4855-b3bb-00f8386b64ea",
"customerId": "27213244-fa24-4728-ae03-a42376aadd42",
"enduserId": "417e7503-9bd9-48e8-a526-7b3add6f32b2",
"storeId": "59409482-9719-4d76-97ad-c679acc7d14a",
"products": [
"publisherRefId": "123",
"id": "8c7115e2-6fa2-454e-be09-50dd20ecacc4",
"customerId": "27213244-fa24-4728-ae03-a42376aadd42",
"quantityMaxReached": false,
"price": {
"currency": "AUD",
"netPrice": 40.91,
"grossPrice": 45.0,
"vatIncluded": true,
"vatRate": 0.1,
"vatAmount": 4.09,
"discountedPrice": {
"discountedNetPrice": 4.59,
"discountedGrossPrice": 5.05,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 36.32,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 39.95,
"vatDiscountAmount": 0.46,
"signedDiscount": "eyJjdXN0b21lcklkIjoiMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQyIiwicHJvZHVjdElkcyI6WyI4YzcxMTVlMi02ZmEyLTQ1NGUtYmUwOS01MGRkMjBlY2FjYzQiXSwic3RvcmVJZHMiOlsiNTk0MDk0ODItOTcxOS00ZDc2LTk3YWQtYzY3OWFjYzdkMTRhIl0sImVuZERhdGUiOjE3MzQwMDQ4MjQ3NTEsImFtb3VudEJ5Q3VycmVuY3kiOnsiQVVEIjozOS45NX19LS0tLU1Dd0NGQ1pwcE12OGlJdk1CN3NBTytkVmhKdkoxaS9xQWhRbi85VjQ2cFYzZXdJWHB6L1MxYkdURllrcjBRPT0tLS0tMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQy"
"source": "INTERNAL"
"defaultCurrency": "BRL",
"unitPrice": {
"currency": "AUD",
"netPrice": 40.91,
"grossPrice": 45.0,
"vatIncluded": true,
"vatRate": 0.1,
"vatAmount": 4.09,
"discountedPrice": {
"discountedNetPrice": 4.59,
"discountedGrossPrice": 5.05,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 36.32,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 39.95,
"vatDiscountAmount": 0.46,
"signedDiscount": "eyJjdXN0b21lcklkIjoiMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQyIiwicHJvZHVjdElkcyI6WyI4YzcxMTVlMi02ZmEyLTQ1NGUtYmUwOS01MGRkMjBlY2FjYzQiXSwic3RvcmVJZHMiOlsiNTk0MDk0ODItOTcxOS00ZDc2LTk3YWQtYzY3OWFjYzdkMTRhIl0sImVuZERhdGUiOjE3MzQwMDQ4MjQ3NTEsImFtb3VudEJ5Q3VycmVuY3kiOnsiQVVEIjozOS45NX19LS0tLU1Dd0NGQ1pwcE12OGlJdk1CN3NBTytkVmhKdkoxaS9xQWhRbi85VjQ2cFYzZXdJWHB6L1MxYkdURllrcjBRPT0tLS0tMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQy"
"source": "INTERNAL"
"renewingPrice": {
"currency": "AUD",
"netPrice": 40.91,
"grossPrice": 45.0,
"vatIncluded": true,
"vatRate": 0.1,
"vatAmount": 4.09,
"source": "INTERNAL"
"type": "SOFTWARE",
"businessSegment": "B2C",
"fullPrice": {
"currency": "AUD",
"netPrice": 40.91,
"grossPrice": 45.0,
"vatIncluded": true,
"vatRate": 0.1,
"vatAmount": 4.09,
"discountedPrice": {
"discountedNetPrice": 4.59,
"discountedGrossPrice": 5.05,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 36.32,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 39.95,
"vatDiscountAmount": 0.46,
"signedDiscount": "eyJjdXN0b21lcklkIjoiMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQyIiwicHJvZHVjdElkcyI6WyI4YzcxMTVlMi02ZmEyLTQ1NGUtYmUwOS01MGRkMjBlY2FjYzQiXSwic3RvcmVJZHMiOlsiNTk0MDk0ODItOTcxOS00ZDc2LTk3YWQtYzY3OWFjYzdkMTRhIl0sImVuZERhdGUiOjE3MzQwMDQ4MjQ3NTEsImFtb3VudEJ5Q3VycmVuY3kiOnsiQVVEIjozOS45NX19LS0tLU1Dd0NGQ1pwcE12OGlJdk1CN3NBTytkVmhKdkoxaS9xQWhRbi85VjQ2cFYzZXdJWHB6L1MxYkdURllrcjBRPT0tLS0tMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQy"
"lifeTime": "1YEAR",
"licenseNextExpirationDate": 1765536344000,
"subscriptionTemplate": "NEXWAY_1Y",
"fulfillmentTemplate": "42c365e5-32c2-47a9-87eb-a6ce09086762",
"trial": false,
"taxExempt": false,
"renewingProductDetails": {
"lifeTime": "1YEAR"
"previousLineItemId": "2f3d2c41-af75-458c-b881-d76eb19526d6",
"quantity": 1,
"name": "Product for upgrade",
"priceSource": "INTERNAL",
"subscriptionProduct": true,
"paidTrial": false,
"productFamily": "",
"discountsStatus": [
"discount": "eyJjdXN0b21lcklkIjoiMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQyIiwicHJvZHVjdElkcyI6WyI4YzcxMTVlMi02ZmEyLTQ1NGUtYmUwOS01MGRkMjBlY2FjYzQiXSwic3RvcmVJZHMiOlsiNTk0MDk0ODItOTcxOS00ZDc2LTk3YWQtYzY3OWFjYzdkMTRhIl0sImVuZERhdGUiOjE3MzQwMDQ4MjQ3NTEsImFtb3VudEJ5Q3VycmVuY3kiOnsiQVVEIjozOS45NX19LS0tLU1Dd0NGQ1pwcE12OGlJdk1CN3NBTytkVmhKdkoxaS9xQWhRbi85VjQ2cFYzZXdJWHB6L1MxYkdURllrcjBRPT0tLS0tMjcyMTMyNDQtZmEyNC00NzI4LWFlMDMtYTQyMzc2YWFkZDQy",
"status": "APPLIED"
"salesMode": "STANDARD",
"fulfillmentTemplateName": "wiremock",
"storeId": "59409482-9719-4d76-97ad-c679acc7d14a",
"nextGenerationOf": [],
"catalogId": "aa720d46-840a-418c-a0b5-b5356f31315b",
"descriptionId": "99f22922-17db-4c0b-bfa6-065166dcf312",
"trialAllowed": false,
"unifiedRegisterSoftware": false,
"physical": false,
"expirationDate": 1765537224050
"locale": "en-US",
"country": "AU",
"endUser": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"maskedEmail": false,
"lastName": "lastName",
"firstName": "firstName",
"city": "city",
"zipCode": "51034",
"country": "AU",
"locale": "en-US",
"taxExemptionEligible": false,
"id": "417e7503-9bd9-48e8-a526-7b3add6f32b2",
"customerId": "27213244-fa24-4728-ae03-a42376aadd42",
"storeId": "59409482-9719-4d76-97ad-c679acc7d14a",
"storeRoute": {
"hostname": "",
"fullUrl": "",
"builtHostname": ""
"wallet": {
"creditCards": [
"id": "c1a30e53-9485-44f2-b8b0-7a28d3b0a38a",
"paymentMethodType": "CreditCard",
"type": "visa",
"bin": "411111",
"expirationDate": "01/2032"
"paypals": []
"type": "BUYER"
"price": {
"currency": "AUD",
"netPrice": 40.91,
"grossPrice": 45.0,
"vatAmount": 4.09,
"discountedPrice": {
"discountedNetPrice": 4.59,
"discountedGrossPrice": 5.05,
"netPriceDiscountAmount": 36.32,
"grossPriceDiscountAmount": 39.95,
"vatDiscountAmount": 0.46
"subsidiaryId": "1",
"storeHostname": "",
"checkoutUrl": "",
"subscriptionId": "46d9841b-6e60-4479-9699-511c6d0f6ca2",
"source": "MID_TERM_UPGRADE",
"totalAmount": 5.05

Part 2. Initiate Checkout

Use the checkoutUrl, endUserId, and storeId from the Create a Mod-Term Upgrade Cart response to create an authorized checkout. This allows the display of payment methods from the shopper's Wallet and auto-prefilling of their billing details.

API Request Example

POST /iam/deeplink/
"storeId": "59409482-9719-4d76-97ad-c679acc7d14a",
"enduserId": "417e7503-9bd9-48e8-a526-7b3add6f32b2",
"baseLink": "",
"expiration_time": 1000,
"single_use": false

The Location header in the 201 Created response contains the authorized checkout URL.

API Response Example


Add the cart identifier received in the Create a Mid-Term Upgrade Cart response to the authorized checkout URL and redirect the shopper to the resulting link as in the example below.

On the checkout page, the shopper reviews the order, confirms billing details, and selects a payment method (either from their wallet or by adding a new method).

Once the shopper confirms the order, Nexway converts the checkout into an order with the source = MID_TERM_UPGRADE and processes the payment. If the subscription’s auto-renewal was disabled, it will be re-enabled. Upon successful order completion, the shopper is redirected to a Thank you page and receives an email with order details.

To track the lifecycle of the Mid-Term upgrade order, subscribe to Order event notifications.

Retail to subscription

The "Retail to Subscription" flow encourages shoppers who purchase non-renewable products (in the retail channel) to convert them into auto-renewal subscriptions. This helps improve retention rates and keeps shoppers subscribed.

After purchasing a non-renewable product, shoppers is offered through your platform’s user interface to activate auto-renewal with a zero-cost setup and receive a discount on the renewal. After accepting the offer, the shopper is redirected to the Nexway shopping cart to provide payment details and confirm the zero-price order. As a result of scenario the product’s validity remains unchanged, while auto-renewal is enabled. The discount applied during checkout will automatically take effect on the renewal.

Key Details

  • The zero-price setup can be achieved by either integrating with your platform or by configuring it directly in Nexway through the Marketing Operations functionality
  • To apply a renewal discount, set up a discount using either the Campaign model or the Subscription discount plan model
  • The expiration date of the current product is determined and provided by your platform, either through integrating with your platform or via API inputs when creating a shopping cart, as outlined below.

Part 1: Create a shopping cart

You can create a shopping cart for the "Retail to Subscription" flow in to ways:

  1. Using the API: This method provides greater flexibility, including the ability to pass the current expiration date and other advanced configurations

  2. Using a Buy-Link: This method comes with some limitations, such as inability to pre-fill billing address and the current expiration date.

Option 1: Using the Cart API

Send a request to create a shopping cart with the following key attributes to enable the "Retail to Subscription" flow:

  • The targeted product for the transition
  • wantedProducts.currentExpirationDate: The expiration date of the current product
  • scenario = subscriptionimport: Specifies the "Retail to Subscription" shopping cart.

Optional Parameters

  • marketingCampaignNames: Include this if you’re using Marketing Operations to ensure the zero-price configuration
  • discountPlan: Provide these attributes to apply a Subscription discount plan for multiple renewals Pass billing information via API to streamline the checkout process for shoppers.

API Request Example

POST /carts
"storeId": "59409482-9719-4d76-97ad-c679acc7d14a",
"endUser": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"lastName": "lastName",
"firstName": "firstName,
"streetAddress": "street",
"city": "city",
"zipCode": "12345",
"country": "FR",
"locale": "fr-FR",
"maskedEmail": true
"wantedProducts": [
"id": "2f9bb37b-3558-49f0-bea6-69ab834013de",
"currentExpirationDate": "1713268338000
"discountPlan": {
"tag": "testDiscountPlan",
"discountStep": 0
"marketingCampaignNames": [
"externalContext": "eyd5b3VyQ29udGV4dEtleTEnOidzb21lLXZhbHVlLXlvdS13YW50LXRvLXJlY2VpdmUtYWZ0ZXItdGhlLXB1cmNoYXNlJ30=",
"country": "FR",
"currency": "EUR",
"locale": "fr-FR",
"scenario": "subscriptionimport"

The 201 Created response includes the cartId in the Location header.

API Response Example

Location: /carts/d513f26a-e36a-4b5d-ab7f-887de69bc21e

To retrieve the cart content, use the cartId with the API request below.

API Request Example

GET /carts/d513f26a-e36a-4b5d-ab7f-887de69bc21e

The 201 Created response contains the checkoutUrl attribute. Use this URL to redirect the end-user to the shopping cart.

Build a buy-link that directs the shopper straight to the shopping cart for review and checkout.

Buy-link Example

Part 2: Checkout

On the checkout page, the total price is displayed as zero, meaning the shopper does not have to pay immediately. However, shoppers are required to enter payment method details to be used during subscription renewals. If billing address was provided during the cart creation process, it will be pre-filled on the checkout page.

After the shopper confirms the order, Nexway processes the checkout and converts it into an order. As part of this process, the subscription is created. Once the order is successfully completed, the shopper is redirected to a Thank You page and receives a confirmation email. On the scheduled renewal date, the shopper will be charged with the applied discount, and the subscription will renew automatically for the next period.